Big Brother is Watching Companies for Anti-Competitive Conduct During the COVID-19 Pandemic
In a recent joint statement by the Department of Justice’s (DOJ) Antitrust Division and the Federal Trade Commission’s (FTC) Bureau of Competition, the agencies announced that they will enforce the antitrust laws against those who seek to exploit the pandemic to...Leniency or Compliance? It’s a Coin Toss!
For many years, the DOJ Antitrust Division believed its best tool for deterring and detecting antitrust violations, such as big rigging, price fixing, and market allocation, was to grant leniency to those companies (or individuals), who self-reported criminal...
FDA Sends Warning Letters to CBD and Homeopathic Companies Over Coronavirus Claims
The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) recently issued numerous warning letters to a variety of domestic and foreign based companies regarding improper claims about the effectiveness of certain products in preventing or treating COVID-19 (Coronavirus). Along with...
Coronavirus Stimulus Loans Carry Risk of Fraud
The federal COVID-19 economic stimulus package has earmarked $2 trillion in relief efforts for industries impacted by the global pandemic. The move has been widely regarded as a necessary measure in response to the unprecedented coronavirus epidemic. However,...